

Bible School - 9:45am

Morning Worship - 10:45am

Afternoon - See Calendar


Prayer Meeting - 6:45pm

25 Gaul Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608            610.670.1191      

Dr. Kevin Callahan has served as President of International Partnership Ministries for eight years. Prior to that time, he pastored Grace Bible Church for 18 years, a church which he planted in New Freedom, PA. While pastoring, he also served on IPM’s Board of Directors for a number of years. In addition to leading IPM’s home office staff in Hanover, PA, Kevin teaches and preaches  stateside and internationally on IPM’s various fields. He and his wife Mindy have been married for over 25 years and have two sons.

Our 2015 Bible Conference was about being Stewards of the Mysteries of God with messages by Dr. Kevin Callahan, President of International Partnership Ministries.

Left click a message to play it in your browser or right click and select "Save link as..." to download the message.

Please note that there was an introductory message on Friday night that is referred to in the messages that was not recorded.

2015 Bible Conference