12/29/19 MS "Living by the Grace of God in 2020 : Titus 2:11-15"
Notes-12/22/19 MS "Don't Miss Christmas"
Notes-12/15/19 MS "Christmas Changes Everything!"
Notes-11/17/19 MS "Imitate God : Ephesians 5:1-17"

11/10/19 MS "Access in Christ : Ephesians 3:12"

11/3/19 MS "Himself"

10/27/19 MS "Boldness Before the Throne of Grace : Ephesians 3:11-13"

10/20/19 MS "Boldness Before Others : Ephesians 3:11-13"

10/13/19 MS "What We Have in Christ : Ephesians 3:12"
Notes-10/6/19 MS "Be Patient : James 5:7-11"

9/29/19 MS "Walk with God : James 4:7-10"

9/22/19 MS "Considerations of the Lord's Table : Various Scripture"
Notes-9/8/19 MS "Playing to an Audience of One : Exodus 40:34,35"
Notes-9/1/19 MS "Practicing the Presence of God : Exodus 33:12-34:9"

8/25/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"
Notes-8/11/19 MS "Loved and Adopted : Exodus 20:2"
Notes-8/4/19 MS "Life is not a bowl of cherries; it's the pits! Unless... : Ex 16:27-31"

7/28/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"

7/21/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"

7/14/19 MS "Psalm 23"
Notes-7/7/19 MS "Living Biblically With Others : Genesis 50:15-21"

6/30/19 MS "Our Heritage of Liberty"

6/23/19 MS "Considerations of the Lord's Table : I Corinthians 11:23"

6/16/19 MS "Reflections of a Thunderstorm : Psalm 29"
Notes-6/9/19 MS "But You Said! : Genesis 32:9-12"
Notes-6/2/19 MS "Home Boy Leaves Home : Genesis 28:16-17"

5/26/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"

5/19/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"
Notes-5/12/19 MS "Honoring Mothers"

5/5/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"

4/28/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"
Notes-4/14/19 MS "When Stones Talk! : John 12:13"
Notes-4/7/19 MS "Are Ye Also Deceived? : John 7:47"
Notes-3/31/19 MS "Things Are Not Always What They Seem To Be : John 2:13-25"

3/17/19 MS "Examining Peter's Sermons and Writings"
Notes-3/3/19 MS "Finding Wisdom : Proverbs 2:6"

2/24/19 MS "A Balanced Ministry : Evangelizing the Sinner"

2/17/19 MS "A Balanced Ministry : Edifying the Saint"

2/10/19 MS "A Balanced Ministry : Exalting The Sovereign"

2/3/19 MS "Our Symbolic Observance"
Notes-1/13/19 MS "Becoming All Things to All People : I Corinthians 9:19-27"
Notes-1/6/19 MS "The Love of God : II Corinthians 5:10-21"



Bible School - 9:45am

Morning Worship - 10:45am

Afternoon - See Calendar


Prayer Meeting - 6:45pm

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ARCHIVED Sermons - 2019

25 Gaul Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608            610.670.1191          mbcss.office@gmail.com